Re: Gdk::Screen

Murray Cumming wrote:

Jeez I just found out if if I do: m_refScreen->get_width() it doesn't
return the width of the currentscreen, but it adds the width of the
screen next to it, grrrr
pls I need some help on this or if someone can set me on the right track
with a website or something.

I'm not sure, but you might be confusing Displays with Screens. gtk-list
would be more informed.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

With Gdk::Screen I can get the resolution(not the right one because it adds the value of yor next connected screen) but with Gdk::Display I can't get anything related with the resolution.
About the gtk-list they are c related question, right?

thx for your fast response
grts Bart

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