Re: Popup calendar windows coordinates

Tomek wrote:

I'd like to popup a calendar widget just under button, which opens it.
The calendar widget is located in window object with no windowmanager
frame. So on the button click signal, the window->show() is triggered.

That works well, but I'd like to pass coordinates to this window to make
it appear just under the calling button. So i need button height and
width and it's top/left coordinates. How to obtain this info?

Maybe you know some application written in C++ using gtkmm/glademm, that has
this functionality done?


gtkmm-list mailing list
gtkmm-list gnome org

Use the Gtk::Widget::get_window() method to obtain a 
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window> pointer to the Gdk::Window of your button 
widget.  Then use the Gdk::Window::get_geometry() method to get top/left 
and height.
See the following on the get_geometry method syntax:
Bob Caryl

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