Re: Change cursor

Andreas Volz writes:
 > Hm, I run this code in a member function of a class that inherit from
 > Gtk::Window. So I think it's realized. But I tried to run realize()
 > just before I call this function, without better results.

You can verify that the window is realized using Gtk::Widget::is_realized()
on the the window.  You can also see if the gdk window pointer is null using
Glib::RefPtr<>::is_null().  See if your code crashes after the window
has positively been realized:

class TestWindow : public Gtk::Window

    virtual void on_realize()
        // do standard realization dance

	// then change the cursor
	Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window> window = this->get_window();

	// you won't see this message after Gtk::Window::on_realize() above
	if (window.is_null())
           std::cerr << "realized gtk window without gdk window!\n";

	Gdk::Cursor cursor(Gdk::CLOCK);

If you know you want to change the cursor before the window is realized,
write a function which sets the cursor if your window is_realized(),
otherwise tracks which cursor you requested and the installs it in the
on_realize() override, passing the recorded enum instead of the Gdk::CLOCK

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