File I/O specially Directory I/O

I have developed a small library under LINUX, my library relies on
unistd.h to handle certain File I/O operations, specially when it comes to
manipulating Directories. Now that I am porting my library to MSWindows
using the MingW I heve a problems since MingW does not have unistd.h. I
was wondering if GTKmm has its own File I/O handling class, if there is
none, do you know of a work arround this prolem?
Otherwise, I would not mind writing a class that will mimic the function
included in the unistd.h using the WIN32API, but I am very inexperienced
MSWindows programmer and I don't know what are the functions handling File
I/O and/or Directory I/O in the WIN32API. Is there a web site describing
the WIN32API?


* You cannot exercise your power to a point of humiliation.
                               - Jean Chretien

* It's amazing how the small seeds of distrust and misunderstanding  can
yield a crop of hate and death...

* If that document has fine printing anywhere, just chuck it in the garbage
                              - Jorge Escalante

Ma'assalama! Adiós!  bye!

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