[Pango] Calls to Pango::Layout without effect

Hi there,

I have been trying for hours now, but I can't figure out how to use a Pango::Layout to ellipsize a long-winded filename. I looked at the Nautilus source code, and tried to reproduce each step using the pangomm equivalents, but still, no luck.

I am trying to do this in a dialog. Here is my code so far:

TransferOverwriteDialog::TransferOverwriteDialog(const Glib::ustring& filename)
    : Gtk::MessageDialog(
	"foo", // overwritten in body
	true, // use markup
	true), // modal
    using sigc::mem_fun;
    using namespace Pango;

    typedef Glib::RefPtr<Context> PangoContextPtr;
    typedef Glib::RefPtr<Layout>  PangoLayoutPtr;

    PangoContextPtr pango_context = get_pango_context();
    PangoLayoutPtr  pango_layout  = create_pango_layout(filename);


    Glib::ustring header_text =
	DIALOG_HEADER_XFER_OVERWRITE + pango_layout->get_text();


    // <snip irrelevant stuff>

The text in the 'filename'-object will not get ellipsized, but just printed as is. I noticed that /nothing/ I apply to the layout text will get recognized. For example, I tried to replace 'filename' with some custom marked-up text, i.e. "<i>this is some italic test text</i>" and tried to render that, but again, the text is displayed as plain text (no italics).

On top of that, calls to set_width() seem to be ignored, too. Regardless what I set there, it has no effect whatsoever.

It looks as if every call I make to pango_layout doesn't have any effect. Any ideas what is wrong with my code?

Thanks in advance,
Matthias Kaeppler

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