Re: [Fwd: connecting to signal_focus_out_event with additional parameters]


I tryed it, and it seems to compile/link/run properly, like:

bool on_entry_focus_out (GdkEventFocus *focus,Gtk::Entry *entry)

void MyClass::MyMethod ()

mDVSSThresholdE.signal_focus_out_event ().connect(sigc::bind<Gtk::Entry *>(sigc::ptr_fun (&on_entry_focus_out),&mDVSSThresholdE));

where mDVSSThresholdE is

class MyClass : .....
Gtk::Entry mDVSSThresholdE;

i guess the parameter to the bind is not the address of an entry, have you check it?

Bob Caryl wrote:
I forgot to mention this:

I have three different *arrays* of Gtk::Entry object pointers, each of which contains six members that must be connected to the signal_focus_out_event signal and be vetted as explained below, hence I cannot know which Gtk::Entry generated the event without further data.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: connecting to signal_focus_out_event with additional parameters
Date:     Thu, 20 Oct 2005 08:41:21 -0500
From:     Bob Caryl <bob fis-cal com>
To:     gtkmm-list <gtkmm-list gnome org>

Hi guys,

I'm trying to connect to Gtk::Entry::signal_focus_out_event() so that I can vet the contents of the Gtk::Entry when it loses focus. I tried doing it the normal way:

where on_entry_focus_out is prototyped thus:

bool MyClass::on_entry_focus_out(GdkEventFocus *focus);

My problem is that the GdkEventFocus::window member is merely a pointer to a GdkWindow drawable (and I also tried casting the result of gdk_parent_window(focus->window) to a Gtk::Entry * and it still caused a seg fault when run), and doesn't give me access to my Gtk::Entry from which the connection was originally made, so I tried doing this:
where on_entry_focus out is prototyped thus:

bool MyClass::on_entry_focus_out(GdkEventFocus *focus,Gtk::Entry *entry);

This construct compiles, but the linker has big problems with it.

Can someone point to me a URL that will illustrate the error of my ways? I really didn't want to do this at all, but my boss insists on this idiot-proofing vetting process for the data entered here.

Bob Caryl

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