Re: Question about CellRendererText foreground font color change...

> In order to demonstrate, I've put together a program (actually, I
> stole the example code from the treeview/list project and modified it
> to attempt to set the foreground color. I mean, they say mediocrity
> merely borrows but genius *steals* :-) ).
> Download it here:
> [I even included a makefile for easy compiling--you need pkg-config
> for it to work].
> In the example, there are two extra hidden columns: m_col_fontcolor
> and m_col_backgroundcolor. They are both of type "Glib::ustring". I
> added a background color to show that property working correctly.
> For all three of the rows, I attempt to change the font color and
> background color for each entry. The background color change takes on
> each row, but the font color stays black (even when the background
> color is black, for example--yikes!).

I just downloaded and built your example program and the font colors
are red, yellow/orange, and green respectively, so it seems to work
for me.  Did you update the program since putting it online?  Or does
it still not work for you?  I'm also using gtkmm version


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