Re: Gtk::Calendar

Murray Cumming wrote:

On Thu, 2005-05-19 at 14:07 -0500, Bob Caryl wrote:
Hello Everyone,

I am using the above entitled class in my application. Everything works as advertised except for a class method called "marked_date" that I have found in the docs

I don't see that here:

Please be more specific.

You are probably compiling without warnings-as-errors, which allows the
compiler to guess that an undeclared function is void something() and
only fail during linking.

that purportedly should allow me to access an array containing boolean values that indicate which days during a given month have been "marked."

When I compile my code, the compiler complains that Gtk::Calendar::marked_date method is undefined. In point of fact, a perusal of gtkmm/calendar.h reveals that it is, in fact, not there.

Anyone have any ideas about what I'm doing wrong here, or possibly were I should look to figure this out? My inability to retrieve which days have been marked is pretty much going to render this calendar idea useless to me otherwise.

The C documentation suggests that this is a public struct field:

Therefore you can access it via the C API. Just use gobj().

A patch to add API for it to gtkmm would be welcome.
Thank you Muarry,

For that swift kick in the @$$! It was just exactly what I needed. The following implementation compiles and works for me:

for(gint i = 0; i < 31; i++)
   if (GTK_CALENDAR(calendar.gobj())->marked_date[i])
      // do stuff here

I found the Gtk::Calendar::marked_dates method in a tutorial on the web and I should have not trusted it. Next time I'll dig deeper first instead of bothering the list.

Thanks a million!

Bob Caryl

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