Re: Drag and drop mysteries

Chris Vine wrote:
 > See:

Hmm, of course I have read that. It doesn't answer my questions and it only comes up with an example which leaves even more questions open (I referred to that in my last post!).

and for a bit more explanation:

This I haven't read already.
It looks far more complete, so I'll give it a try today. I'll come back if any questions remain open :)

If you want to drag and drop between different tree views then you have to implement it yourself using the generic drag and drop methods inherited from Gtk::Widget (Gtk::TreeView::set_reorderable() only works when dragging and dropping within the same tree view). If it is of any value to you (and it probably will not be), you can cast your eye over:

Hm yes, I may give those a shot. May be tough though, when you don't know what the program is supposed to do. I also read through the dnd example in the example folder on the gtkmm website, but without explanation it's sometimes hard to figure out what the author meant with his code.

Matthias Kaeppler

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