Re: Some missing features of Gtk::TreeModelColumn

Kari Pahula wrote:

I've been going through hoops since Gtk::TreeModelColumn is missing a
few methods, for which I see no really good reason to not be there.

class FooClass
 int bar;

class ModelColumns : public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord
 Gtk::TreeModelColumn<int> a;
 Gtk::TreeModelColumn<int> b;
 Gtk::TreeModelColumn<FooClass *> c;

ModelColumns m_columns;

First off, you fail to provide a constructor for your ModelColumns class that adds your Gtk::TreeModelColumns, ala

   ModelColumns(){add(a); add(b); add(c);};

Perhaps you omitted this for clarity;


Gtk::TreeModel::Row row; // Set somewhere
std::ifstream foo("somefile");
foo >> row[m_columns.a];  // Fails.

I have to do something like this, for no good reason:
int tmp;
foo >> tmp;
row[m_columns.a] = tmp;

It seems to me that with a bit of work with templates this could be
made to work.

Another problem:
row[m_columns.a] = row[m_columns.b];	// Fails.

Once again, I have to work around this.
int tmp;
tmp = row[m_columns.b];
row[m_columns.a] = tmp;

Is there really any good reason to have the copy
constructor/operator=() private here?

One more annoyance:
row[m_columns.c]->bar = 5;	// Fails.

Simple enough to work around with:
(*row[m_columns.c]).bar = 5;

But having operator->() in the first place would be polite.

gtkmm-list mailing list
gtkmm-list gnome org
In the case of the std::ifstream situation, this convenience does not allow the __istream_type & operator>> to determine the data type in use by the Gtk::TreeModelColumn in question (you must supply that data along with the column number in a call to Gtk::TreeRow::set_value or Gtk::TreeRow::get_value). Therefore, a direct assignation using the Gtk::TreeRow::operator[] will fail since __istream_type & operator>> supports only the following data types: bool, short, unsigned short, int, unsigned int, long, unsigned long, float, double, long double, void*, and streambuf_type*.

The Gtk::TreeRow::operator[], depending on its position relative to the "=" operator, merely provides a convenient syntax for invoking the Gtk::TreeRow::set_value and Gtk::TreeRow::get_value methods. Furthermore, the values supplied to this operater must match the data type used when initializing the Gtk::TreeModelColumn template member used with the operator. These facts should amply explain why your attempts at assigning one operator[] call to another won't work.

Personally, I find the implementation of the Gtk::TreeRow::operator[] to be wonderfully convenient considering the alternative. You would be much further along had the effort you expended criticizing the Gtk::TreeRow class implementation been applied to your own project(s) using the Gtk::TreeRow::operator[] as documented.

Bob Caryl

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