Re: Cross-Platform GUI

On Mon, 2005-05-09 at 07:00 -0400, Paul Davis wrote:
> >Overall, I think gtkmm would be a good choice.
> >wxWidgets and FLTK are quite cumbersome, and they
> >don't offer you the flexibility that is found in gtkmm
> >and/or C++.
> there is one important consideration that nobody has mentioned so far.
> portability to Aqua rather than on OS X. GTK has seen two
> efforts to port it to Aqua, using different approaches. Both projects
> appear to be essentially dead. This means that you cannot use GTK (and
> by implication, gtkmm) to write native apps for OS X - your users are
> forced to use and your applications will have X-styled
> appearances, not Aqua-like ones.
> several people have offered to invest some amounts of money in my
> digital audio workstation software "ardour" to do a native OS X port,
> and i have told them "find someone you can pay to port GDK to Aqua -
> this will benefit a large number of applications rather than just
> ardour". unfortunately, nobody has taken the suggestion up, and the
> projects remain silent and stationary AFAICT.

Hubert Figuiere seems to be hacking on this recently. You might talk to
him if you have not already. For instance:

Do also post to gtk-devel about this. People like money.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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