
Hello all,

I've been using Gnome::UI:Druid for my application, I have a pointer to one
as a member of my main app class, and when I need to I do ...

	if(m_p_druid == NULL)
		// create druid from glade


Now, that is all well and good, except that the second time round, the last
page is shown first, and the druid is left in an untidy state.

I tried to override show(), and then call the base, from which point I could
clear out text fields and set the first page - but the page setting call
seems to segfault the program.

I then tried a similar approach with the on_apply_click handler (i.e. the
point at which I hide the druid) - but that segfaults in a similar fashion,
as does on_realise.

So, is there either a way to do the above 'properly', or should I somehow be
destroying the druid each time around and creating it anew?

Cheers in advance for and thoughts.


*  http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/  *

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