Problem building gtkmm CVS with jhbuild

This might be a jhbuild problem, I'm not sure, but I think it's a gtkmm
I've got jhbuild building into ~/gnome2/

glibmm from CVS is installed happily. Unfortunately, when gtkmm starts
compiling (configure appears correct), it tries to run
~/gnome2/lib/glibmm-2.4/proc/gmmproc. glibmm's lib directory, as given by
pkgconfig, is actually ~/gnome2/lib64/glibmm-2.4/proc/gmmproc, thus the
compile fails. Now I can probably solve this with a symlink from lib64 to
lib, but it seems like a problem with the build system to me as nothing I
can find is telling gtkmm to look in ~/gnome2/lib for gmmproc, and if it
is, it's wrong.
Might this be hard-coded somewhere in the build system? I'm useless at
autotools build systems so I don't really know where to start looking.

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