Re: Gtk widgets in gtkmm (Previously no subject)

Andrew Krause wrote:

(Sorry about the no subject topic... in any case...)

I have a c++ class that contains Gtk+ widgets. They work perfectly
fine except for one thing. When I try to connect a signal to them,
they throw an error saying that the function that it is connected
to should be formatted: "void (*) ()" instead of: "void (MyClass) ()".

How can I get around this? Is there a way without requiring all
of my functions to receive the class data and not be a part of
the class?

Andrew Krause
andrew openldev org
gtkmm-list mailing list
gtkmm-list gnome org

Put an & before the function name

signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun( *this, &Class::function ) );

Jason Burchfield
CAS, Inc.
(256) 971-6096
Jason Burchfield cas-inc com

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