Re: gtkmm 2.7.1

On Wed, 2005-07-13 at 14:08 +0200, Daniel Holbach wrote:
> Hi,
> Am Mittwoch, den 13.07.2005, 13:04 +0200 schrieb Murray Cumming:
> > That would make sense, though unstable gtkmm versions should never be
> > packaged for stable versions of distros.
> Ok, I just saw, that we have 2.6.8-1ubuntu2 of GTK+ in Ubuntu at the
> moment, which explains my build problems.
> > No, because that actually requires a recompile of applications to use
> > the new library. libtool versioning isn't so wonderful. For instance,
> > GTK+ _never_ changes that whole number.
> Ok, I see.
> The whole situation seems to not allow gtkmm-2.7.1 in Ubuntu at the
> current time. Sorry for that.

Yes, for some reason Ubuntu unstable (breezy) is using GTK+ 2.6, though
GNOME 2.12 is tentatively using 2.7/2.8 and there's probably some parts
of GNOME 2.12 that depend on new API in GTK+ 2.7.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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