Re: 'MEDIA_PLAY' is not a member of `Gtk::Stock'

Hello Chang-Min,

I am also using gtkmm-2.4, so I changed my current application to use
Gtk::Stock::MEDIA_PLAY to instantiate one of my buttons. It compiles
without error. When I run my program, the stock right arrow icon appears
on my button.

In /opt/gnome/include/gtkmm-2.4/gtkmm/stock.h I found the MEDIA_PLAY
stockid declared; however, in /opt/gnome/include/gtkmm-2.0/gtkmm/stock.h
I find no such declaration. It appears you may be using gtkmm-2.0
instead of gtkmm-2.4. Therefore, I suggest that you make sure you are
using `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtkmm-2.4` in your compiler command
line so that the correct stock.h file is included by your compiler.

Bob Caryl

전창민 wrote:

> Hello, I'm Jeon, Chang-Min in Korea.
> So, I can't write English very well.
> Please understand me.
> declared.
> Gtk::Button m_button_Play
> initialized
> m_button_Play(Gtk::Stock::MEDIA_PLAY)
> error message
> `MEDIA_PLAY' is not a member of `Gtk::Stock'
> I have been compiled GTKMM-2.4
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