Re: gtkglextmm and MSVC2003.

leyland needham wrote:
Does anyone know if there is going to be anything official for this,
or if any gtkmm installers are planning on including gtkglextmm with
MSVC support?

my plans are to include gtkglextmm in my installer (for mingw32 and MSVC), starting with gtkmm-2.6.

If you don't know yet, there is a port of libsigc++, glibmm, gtkmm, libglademm and libxml++ for MSVC on my page

I was able to get it working by creating a solution and modeling it
after libglademm's MSVC_Net2003 directory, and modifying 2 source
files in gtkglextmm.

In the meantime, you should submit your patches to the gtkglextmm maintainer.


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