Re: Gtk::Editable::on_insert_text

Antonio Coralles wrote:

I just was thinking about the most elegant way of restricting the chars
a user can enter into a Gtk::Entry. At first i thought I should do that
by overriding on_changed() but then, after looking at the dokumentation
for Gtk::Editable the functions

virtual void  insert_text_vfunc (const Glib::ustring& text, int& position)
virtual void  on_insert_text (const Glib::ustring& text, int* position)

caught my attention. The problem is that these functions are completeley
undocumented - especially I don't understand what i should do with int&
/ int* position - what happens when i change the value of
position/*position ? Are these functions at least suitable for my
purpose ? Should i call [when overriding] the base class routines if i
want a char to be accepted and avoid that if i don't want that ?

Ok, after experimenting a bit I achieved what I wanted to do by overriding insert_text_vfunc. text is the text which would be inserted and position the position where inserting starts - which can be modified through &. If I want the insertion to take place I call the base class insert_text_vfunc. Eventually I can pass a modified string to that method ... So the question that remains is what on_insert_text is for and why does it use int* instead of int& ?


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