Re: Q: Using 2.5.5-2 with VS .Net?

I'm not sure if there is any documentation out there, but this is what I did.

Created a new empy win32 project.

Enable Run time type information :
Project Properties -> Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Language ->
Enable Run-Time Type Info = Yes(/GR)

For gtkmm this will get rid of a lot of (seemingly harmless) warnings
from compiling :
Project Properties -> Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Advanced ->
Disable Specific Warnies = 4250

To have it use main instead of WinMain :
Project Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Command
Line -> Additional Options = /entry:"mainCRTStartup"

You will need to add the include directories generated by `pkg-config
gtkmm-2.4 --cflags` and all the libs outputted from `pkg-config
gtkmm-2.4 --libs` although you have to rename things properly to work
with VS.Net, like adding .lib to the libs and getting rid of the -I
for the include directories.

That is how I managed to do it. I managed to use gtk+, gtkmm, 
libglade, libglademm, gtkglext, and gtkglextmm to work in .Net2003.

On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 17:15:41 -0700, D. R. Evans <N7DR arrl net> wrote:
> I have downloaded and installed 2.5.2-2-devel from
> But having done so, I can't find any documentation at all on how to
> actually use the library with VS .Net 2003. The contents of
> gtkmm_win32.txt address use of gtkmm only with mingw (which I have been
> using for some time; but my current project requires that I use VS
> instead of Dev-C++).
> Can someone please point me to some reasonably complete/coherent
> documents that tell me how to use gtkmm under VS.Net 2003?
>    Doc Evans
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