Re: How to change color of Gtk::RadioButton's label?

On Mon, 19 Dec 2005 02:58:49 -0600, Bob Caryl <bob fis-cal com> wrote:

Sorry Marco,

Your code doesn't work;  it compiles, but I end up with a check button
that has no label at all, unless I create one in the CheckButton
constructor itself.    Then, that label has not got the background color
specified in the set_markup string.

I have been trying to get a Pango::Layout for a checkbutton, and the
code to get it seems to compile and run, but the attribute list returned
by the layout is NULL, hence my change to the background color attribute
is fruitless.  A call to modify_bg for the checkbutton widget merely
changes the frame color of the check box itself.  The label remains
unfazed.  Can anyone point me to a URL that has a good Pango tutorial?
Maybe I can dig through that and finally come up with an answer to
Volosatov's original question.


That's strange Bob, it works here, i end up with a nice checkbutton with a blue label. You are talking about the background color, i'm trying to change the foreground color.

here's the code again (this time i tested it):

#include <gtkmm.h>

int main(int argc, char**argv)
  Gtk::Main kit(argc, argv);

  Gtk::Window win;
  Gtk::CheckButton check;
  Gtk::Label* l=Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Label);
  l->set_markup("<span color = \"blue\"> blue text </span>");

  return 0;

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