Re: AW: Attach invisible data to a TreeRow?

On Fri, 16 Dec 2005 22:26:18 +0100, Daniel Kraft <d daniel-kraft net> wrote:


I thought about a solution like that for one of my projects some time ago:

Just add a column to your modelcolumns but don't append a column for that
to your treeview.
Here are some code fragments where i do this in my project.

     //Tree model columns:
     class PageListModelColumns : public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord
         { add(m_col_name); add(m_col_page); }

         Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Glib::ustring> m_col_name;
         Gtk::TreeModelColumn<DialogPage*> m_col_page;
     PageListModelColumns m_PageListColumns;

     //Add the TreeView's view columns:
     m_pPagelist->append_column("Name", m_PageListColumns.m_col_name);
     //m_pPagelist is a treeview

But I was wondering how to delete the DialogPage-objects when the row is
deleted. Do I have to keep track of when the row is deleted at my own or are there ways to do such a clean-up, for instance, like if it was done in the
TreeRow's destructor? So can I define some code to clean up which is
automatically called whenever the TreeRow is destructed?

Daniel Kraft

You can use a smart pointer for that, like Glib::RefPtr .


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