Re: For Win32 developers, only?

I am, honestly, not looking for a bug.
Perhaps, the reason the word *bug* pups up so often in my emails is because I have been racking my brains trying to find a solution for so long, but everything I've led me to the same result, *no icon for my buttons*. I guess you can say I am getting a bit frustrated.
I will try to get a png file somewhere and see if this works.

I don't want you to think that I don't appreciate you help, on the contrary, I am grateful that some here has dedicated the time and the effort to help get out of the mud.

Have a good day Venzenz

Vinzenz 'evilissimo' Feenstra escribió:

Jamiil schrieb:

Another question is in regards to the example shown in:

In this case a 'xpm' file is used, I have tried to follow this example using 'ico', 'gif' and 'jpg' files, but to no avail.
That is why I tend to think it is a GtkmmWin32 bug, am I wrong?

I don't know what you're doing. But I've tried using a PNG and it works fine for me.
I'm wondering if you're hardly looking for a Bug.

Vinzenz 'evilissimo' Feenstra

* No puedes ejercer tu fuerza hasta el punto de humillar a otros.
                     - Jean Chretien

* No tienes la libertad de desobedecer a Dios, aun mas si desobedeces a tu Señor no puedes llamarte Su servidor, pues te has convertido en un servidor de Satanás y de tus caprichos y vanos deseos.
                   -Sheykg Muhammad ibn ‘Uthaymeen

* Es increíble como la diminuta semilla de desconfianza y malentendido puede producir una bonanza de odio y muerte.
                 - Jorge Escalante

Ma'assalama! Adiós!  bye!

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