Re: cairo sample application

> On 12/6/05, writser <writser xs4all nl> wrote:
>> hey all,
>> To demonstrate how to use gtkmm with cairo (and to find it out myself) I
>> wrote a small demo. 'Cairoclock' displays a scalable clock and allows
>> you to export it to a PNG image. You can download it here:
>> No hyperadvanced algorithms,
>> but the code is heavily commented so perhaps it's useful for some new
>> developers. If you have any suggestions be my guest! :)
> Nice.  I did something similar but using cairomm to translate the
> article
> (
> from gtk to gtkmm, so the program itself is rather boring and doesn't
> actually keep time since I didn't pursue it any farther than the end
> of the article referenced above.  The disadvantage of mine is that it
> requires gtkmm and cairomm from cvs, but you can see it here if you're
> interested:  I'm
> really excited for the Gtkmm/Cairomm stuff to be released.  It should
> really improve the graphics functionality in gtkmm.  Pretty soon we'll
> have all sorts of gtk-based analog clocks to choose from :)


I think we should use this for the examples/book/drawing_area/ example in
cvs instead of the rather minimal code that's there now. Feel free to make
the changes in HEAD if you have cvs write access, or submit a patch to

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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