Pointer to Gtk::SpinButton not showing correct when i use set_value()


i'm brazilian and forgive me for my english. i just
read a little but is the first time i'm writing...

i'm starting with gtkmm and i'm surprise when i'm
setting a SpinButton using set_value() and the "video"
doesn't change the value. i'm saying video because
after to use set_value() i use get_value() and it
return the new value, but on the video, the value was
not changed. 


row[m_Columns.mMax] = 10;
g_print("%d", pSpinMax->get_value())      //-->  5
pSpinMax->set_value( row[m_Columns.m_Max]   );
g_print("%d", pSpinMax->get_value())      //-->  10

But on video is showing 5.


(o_o) - mds

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