Handling Signals: Base class or embedded?


say I have a class, which derives from Widget. In this class, I have a TreeView, which takes pretty much the whole window area. If I now click into this window, which object will fire an event, the Widget or the TreeView?

To specify my problem, is there a difference between this code:

class MyWidget: public Gtk::ScrolledWindow
    Gtk::TreeView view_;
    // ...
    virtual bool on_button_press_event( GdkEventButton *event );
    // ...

// override base class handler
bool MyWidget::on_button_press_event( GdkEventButton *event )
   // ...

... and this code:

class MyWidget: public Gtk::ScrolledWindow
    Gtk::TreeView view_;
    // ...
    void on_button_press_event( GdkEventButton *event );
    // ...

view_.signal_button_press_event().connect_notify( sigc::mem_fun( *this, &MyWidget::on_button_press_event ) );

void MyWidget::on_button_press_event( GdkEventButton *event )
   // ...


I am currently doing the first, just override the base class handler, but that doesn't seem to work. Or maybe I have to connect the overriden handler to the signal as well?


Matthias Kaeppler

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