Re: [gtkmm] About constructor's parameters using libglademm

> When using libglademm to load "" file:
> (1) I don't know why the signature of Class's Constructor should be like
> the example below.

Because that's the signature that's needed by the get_widget_derived()

> (2) i know cobject will be passed to Gtk::Dialog, but what is passed to
> cobject and refGlade?

As described here
cobject is something that you need to provide to the base constructor.
It's annoying that you need to do that, but you do.

refGlade should be used to get_widget() or get_widget_derived() the child
widgets. You almost always need to access some child widgets if you are
using a derived container with libglade.

> (3) and when these happen?

The constructor is called when you call get_widget_derived().

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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