Re: [gtkmm] TreeSortable

B.Hakvoort wrote:

On Mon, 2004-10-11 at 17:55 +0200, Bart Verstraete wrote:
hx for the file, and i found that demos dir you said, but now I wanne build that 'demos' and he complains about libpangomm-1.4 ok it don't exist here but in the portage i only find pango, the c version. Do I have to install something else?

if you've installed the gtkmm package from portage (we're talking about
Gentoo, right?) you should have pangomm as well.

Also is there a way to change the litle triangle in a treeview in a plu and a minus sign?

no idea

grtz Bart

It isn't installed :-(
grtz Bart

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