Daniel J. Lauk wrote:
I tried what you guys said and it worked thx. But now there is somethinng else. Is there a signal or single click I use now 'm_dirTV.signal_row_activated().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &dirView::on_treeview_row_activated) );' for a doubleclickaction. According to the docs there are only like 5 signals. I probably misst it so pls help me out of this, :)You get a Gtk::TreeModel::Row when you dereference a Gtk::TreeModel::iterator, like in the example code at http://www.gtkmm.org/docs/gtkmm-2.4/docs/tutorial/html/ch08.html#id2510508 <code> Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = m_refListStore->append(); Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter; </code> I'd suggest you read the sources of the examples in the documentation and of the gtkmm-demo and keep reading the reference documentation parallel. This is what helped me a lot on using all the "tree things" ;-) Best regards, DJMatthias Kestenholz wrote:Hi guys could somebody help me? In a treeview, when I populate it, I want a particular row selected(during the populating i think) and also i wane have itexpandedso I can see the underlaying targets but I can't find out how to dothis. hi it seems to me that if you append/insert/prepend a row to the treestore you get an iterator as return value... using this iterator it should be simple to get everything else you'd need. Something along the lines of: Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = mrefTreeStore->append(); Gtk::TreeModel::Path path = mrefTreeStore->get_path( iter ); Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeSelection> refSelection = mTreeView->get_selection(); refSelection->select( path ); But perhaps you don't even need to do it half so complicated: http://www.gtkmm.org/docs/gtkmm-2.4/docs/reference/html/classGtk_1_1TreeSelection.html#a21you can pass iterators, rows or paths to the TreeSelection object, no need to do any conversions between them just to select a row! If you want to expand the node you need the path anyway, so you can use the first code fragment I posted. If you want to expand a row you have to use mTreeView->expand_row( path, [true|false] ); http://www.gtkmm.org/docs/gtkmm-2.4/docs/reference/html/classGtk_1_1TreeView.html#a60hth _______________________________________________ gtkmm-list mailing list gtkmm-list gnome org http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gtkmm-listif I let the append retunr a 'iterator' I can't adjust the value of the columns anymore, like: 'row[column] = "blabla". And I don't find how to get the row from a iterator or vice versa. also the function you use here, 'mrefTreeStore->get_path( iter )' that function isn't documantated od did I overlook it? thx for your help, Bart grtz Bart |