Re: [gtkmm] Problem with TreeModelColumn types

Johannes Wolter <Johannes Wolter epost de> writes:

> When I set a column-value in a row and read the same value everything
> works fine:
> row[categoryTreeColumns->catFields] =
> 	CategoryFields::getCategoryFields(rootCategory.cat_fields);     
> std::vector<CategoryField> catFields =
> 	row[categoryTreeColumns->catFields];
> But when I try to access the same value in the same row afterwards I get
> a segfault:
> Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeSelection> selection =
> 	categoriesTreeView->get_selection();    

You haven't made sure the selection is valid:

if (selection->get_model().is_null() == false &&
    selection->count_selected_rows() > 0)

> const Gtk::TreeRow &selectedRow	= 
> 	*(selection->get_selected());    
> std::vector<CategoryField> catFields = 
> 	selectedRow[categoryTreeColumns->catFields];

    // there is no model, or no rows are selected

Roger Leigh

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