Re: [gtkmm] gtkmm 2.4 questions


Also after compiling and installing gtkmm I found some classG*.html files
from the gtkmm distribution documentation in the parent directory of the
gtkmm build directory.

Yes, I am trying to fix.

Btw. to come back to the online documentation on All the links under 'What's New' are broken.

Btw. a gtkmm 2.2 -> gtkmm 2.4 migration guide would be nice too. I needed
some time until I figured out that my own Cellrenders don't worked anymore
due to some small changes in the virtual method types (get_size_vfunc and

There is the CHANGES file. Feel free to submit patches for it. It's a
good idea.


But another thing about CellRenderer. Is there any reason why get_size_vfunc is now 'const' ? This is IMHO a very bad idea as everybody who write it's own CellRenderer is very limited (especially if you dynamically calculate the cell content).


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