Re: [sigc] Re: [gtkmm] libsigcx and gtkmm 2.4

Am Sa, den 12.06.2004 um 15:19 Uhr +0200 schrieb Christer Palm:

> Thanks Martin!
> I "stole" the basic principles from your class to create my own variant 
> of a multi-argument Gtk::Dispatcher. As I think this is some pretty 
> useful stuff, I'm posting the result here.
> Perhaps this could be adapted to go into the Glibmm distribution?
> Let me all know what you think.

The problem is that I'm still not convinced that cross-thread signalling
with arguments can be implemented correctly as a generic template.  From
Martin's description of the SigCX solution it appears that a so-called
synchronous mode is used to get around that:

      disp.tunnel(sigc::bind(&foo, std::string("hello world")));
         - call this function from any thread;
         - bind up to 7 arguments at once
         - pass 'true' as a second argument if the slot should
           be executed synchronously;
         - make use of signal::make_slot() if the dispatcher
           should emit a signal;

Hmm std::string is a perfect example of an argument type that requires
special handling.  So assuming "synchronously" does what I think it
does, why doesn't the example use this mode?

How does this synchronous thing work?  Does it really wait for the main
loop to process the signal, and wouldn't that defeat the purpose of
threads?  Even if it does this you still need mutex locking to protect
the memory being shared (ensuring that event A happens after event B is
not enough due to the way modern hardware works; you definitely need
memory barriers too).

Also, you can always use plain Glib::Dispatcher in conjunction with a
Glib::Mutex to pass data around.  This way you're forced to think about
the locking which is IMHO a good thing.

When I thought about adding signal parameter support to Glib::Dispatcher
a while ago, I played with the idea of making Glib::Dispatcher provide a
low-level interface for sending raw blocks of memory through the pipe.
On top of that there could be some kind of plugin interface that
requires you to implement two functions that convert your data to raw
memory and back again.  I don't think it should be entirely automagic
through templates since that'd give the user a false sense of security.
The big advantage of course is avoidance of any locking whatsoever.

Comments, corrections, insights, etc. will be appreciated.


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