Murray Cumming Comneon com wrote:You are right about the window-in-window MDI concept. I read the discussions about this subject, but anyway I tried to emulate this behaviour to demonstrate the feasibility, or not, of doing it with gtkmm. This is one among other features that we are evaluating. On this case, all that we can do is to set forth the rationale of this impossibility to our client in order to explain them why the window-in-window MDI is a bad UI design.I'm trying to develop the MDI concept on gtkmm. We don't want to use the gnome libraries because we are evaluating only the gtkmm toolkit (we don't even use direct calls to gtk+ functions). Using Gtk::Layout as container it has been easy to emulate the MDI behaviour. The problem is that when a MDIchild contains a Gtk::ScrolledWindow, the scrollbars seem to be in a lower z-level than other widgets. So, when a MDIchild (mdiChild1) is over another MDIchild (mdiChild2), all the widgets comprised in mdiChild1 are over any widget comprised in mdiChild2, except the scrollbars, that are below and seem to disappear under mdiChild2. Has anyone had a similar problem? What's wrong? What can I do?I don't think that Gtk::Layout or any other GTK+ container is meant to support overlapping widgets. I'm sure that some other people have tried to implement window-in-window MDI. You might ask on gtk-list gnome org if you do not find discussion in the archives. You might also ask there about overlapping widgets in general. But most people will tell you that window-in-window MDI is a bad UI design. Please read the archives about why it is a bad UI design rather than discussing again why it is a bad UI design. Tabbed-window MDI, as in gedit or mozilla or epiphany, does not seem so bad. But maybe you just want "window-in-window" and not any MDI at all, just so you can show more than one window at a time. In this case, maybe you do not really need the child windows to be in a parent window. Maybe it is enough for the child windows to _belong_ to the parent window. Gimp, with it's toolboxes, might be a example of this. Murray Cumming murrayc usa net Thank you very much for your prompt answer, Luis |