Re: [gtkmm] Set a unicode string as the label of button

On Mon, 2004-01-19 at 17:39, L Yang wrote:
Dear all,
  I have a txt file, coded with unicode
(MS WORD told me it's Unicode, but not Unicode UTF-7 or 8 or Big-Endian.
gedit told me it's Unicode UTF-16)
How to search "<!" in it and how to make it the caption or label of a button
(I am using set_label() from gtkmm and glib::ustring seems doesn't work
and I'm working with dev-c++ under windows)
or even better, could you give me a hint or help to parse this txt file?
it's orgnized like XML format:
Thank you in advance!

Use the iconv command to transcode the file to UTF-8 and the use standard XML parsing techniques.


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