Re: [gtkmm] iterating through the contents of a tree

To be more precise: The problem is, I cannot see the selection.
The row is not highlighted:
Does a list view has children?

void ConstraintTable::onNextClicked()
  cout << "START ConstraintTable::onNextClicked()" << endl;

  typedef Gtk::TreeModel::Children type_children;
  type_children children = m_list_store_ref->children();

  for(type_children::iterator iter = children.begin(); iter != children.end(); ++iter)
	// is this my next row?
	Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter;
  cout << "END   ConstraintTable::onNextClicked()" << endl;

Same here. I canīt figure out how to iterate trough a tree like this starting
at the selected row (including parents!) to select the following line.

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