Re: [gtkmm] Drag and drop onto Gtk::Notebook

i think i've found a way to do this - feels like a bit of a hack though so if anyone knows of
a more robust way, please let me know.

you can iterate over your tabs, find the size and position of each label using get_width(),
get_height() & get_layout_offsets(). 

my on_drag_data_received () overridden method in my subclassed version of Gtk::Notebook also
receives the x/y position of the drop so i can use that along with the sizes / positions to
figure out which tab was dropped onto.

> i would like to be able to drag things from a given tab on a Gtk::Notebook onto a different
> tab and receive notification as to which tab was dropped onto.
> i've tried what i thought were the obvious ways (making the notebook and then the contents
> of
> the tabs drop targets) but in both cases i didn't get what i wanted.

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