Re: [gtkmm] monitoring application

KONTRA Gergely <kgergely mlabdial hit bme hu> writes:

> I'd like to draw a graph of an entry in /proc. So I guess I have to use
> threads. Does anybody have a sample, or url or anything which can help
> me? Thx

If you are not familiar with thread programming, I'd suggest you
borrow a book about operating systems from a nearby (university)
library and read the chapters about processes, threads and
syncronisation mechanisms. They are usually quite easy to read and you
will understand the concepts much better then. Afterwards it should
not be too difficult to find out how to use the thread facilities.

There are tonnes of books about operating systems since it is a
mandatory course for many computer science educations. The one we had
in the course I followed last year was unfortunately crappy. My
girlfriend is attending the course this year, though, and the book
they use seems to be good:

  John O'Gorman: Operating Systems with Linux

There are more on Amazon:

If you can at all avoid it, don't get the book by William Stallings.
The one by Andrew Tanenbaum is probably good and easy to read.
Ole Laursen

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