Re: [gtkmm] TreeView Widget like Qt or Windows?

I don't know how you're setting up your TreeView, but my trees always display with children underneath parents, indented slightly (but by a fixed amount, not by the width of tha parent or indeed anything close to it). What you say looks quite a lot like your children are being displayed in another TreeViewColumn.

Yes, I have set up a TreeModelColumn for parents and children each
like in the example of GTKmm doc.
Thought I have to, because it is not just a list ... ?!

	// Tree model columns:
	class ModelColumnsCTB : public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord
	  Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Glib::ustring> m_col_parent;
	  Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Glib::ustring> m_col_child;
	ModelColumnsCTB m_Columns;

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