Re: gtkmm and dev-cpp linker error with TreeViewColumn

Andreas Hauber wrote:

got an error with gtkmm and dev-c++ at link time.

But I still get the following error: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\ah\Eigene Dateien\Development\Projekte\SeeCards for WinXP\src\wBearbeiten.o(.text$_ZN3Gtk14TreeViewColumnC1IjEERKN4Glib7ustringERKNS_15TreeModelColumnIT_EE+0x125) variable 'vtable for Gtk::TreeViewColumn' can't be auto-imported. Please read the documentation for ld's --enable-auto-import for details.

There are a few solutions to this problem:

1. As proposed in the error message, read the ld manual and look for auto-import
2. Search the gtkmm mailing list archives for --enable-auto-import
3. Trust me and use the -Wl,--enable-runtime-pseudo-reloc option at link time.


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