[gtkmm] Re: Desperately trying to build gtkmm 1.2

Murray Cumming wrote:

You need to remove the default argument values (such as "= true") from the
.cc files. They should only be in the .h files.

Right at the top of editable.cc, it says:

// -*- c++ -*-
//  Generated by gtkmmproc from ./../editable.gen_h -- DO NOT MODIFY!

Looking at editable.gen_h, I see get_chars in a couple of places.

Line 125:

  string get_chars (int start_pos = 0, int end_pos = - 1) const;

Line 144:

#include <gtk--/private/widget_p.h>
namespace Gtk

  string Editable::get_chars (int start_pos = 0, int end_pos = - 1)
      gchar *chars = gtk_editable_get_chars (GTK_EDITABLE (gtkobj ()),
                                             start_pos, end_pos);
      string ret_val = chars;
      g_free (chars);
      return ret_val;

Am I correct in thinking that I need to remove the default values from
the latter location?  Once I've done that, what do I need to do to
regenerate editable.cc?


Ian Pilcher                                        i pilcher comcast net

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