[gtkmm] MFC and GTKmm problem

Hello all,

This is my first thread.I M not a Linux programmer but I have a question about GTKMM 2.

I M using MFC to write a Doc/View application.
I have my own view (an MFC window).

I want my MFC window (CWnd->CView->CFormView) to get the GTKMM look.
I also want the user to be able to create GTKMM Controls and show them (by dragging) on my window.
It is kinda Screen builder .... same as Glade (if U know), just it is on Windows.

How do I draw the GTk::Window (e.g. Gtk::Button) on my MFC window ?

Any help ?

Regards and Thanks,
Janiv Ratson.






            Janiv Ratson

janiv AOE6 com

       972 51 768822


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