Re: [gtkmm] Glade-2, libgtkmm, Xml::create, callbacks

Hi, Murray.

Yep, this is really the code produced by glade-2/glademm.


Murray Cumming wrote:
On Wed, 2003-09-03 at 17:59, Douglas Roberts wrote:
Hi, Christof.

Yes, glademm is being used,

By the way, there is a glademm mailing list.
) : Gtk::Window(Gtk::WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
   Gtk::Window *window1 = this;
   gmm_data = new GlademmData(get_accel_group());
   Gtk::Label *lable1 = Gtk::manage(new class Gtk::Label(_("TA System")));
   Gtk::Label *current_date_label = Gtk::manage(new class 
Gtk::Label(_("Current Date")));
   Gtk::Entry *current_date_entry = Gtk::manage(new class Gtk::Entry());
   Gtk::VBox *vbox5 = Gtk::manage(new class Gtk::VBox(false, 0));
   Gtk::Label *analysis_start_date_label = Gtk::manage(new class 
Gtk::Label(_("Analysis Start Date")));

This doesn't look at all like use of libglademm. Are you really using
the glademm --libglademm feature that Christof mentioned?


Douglas Roberts, CCS-5          |  "He has no enemies, but is
Los Alamos National Laboratory  |    intensely disliked by his
^                               |    friends."
(505)-667-4569                  |
dzzr lanl gov                   |    - Oscar Wilde

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