Re: [gtkmm] Gtk::Main::input gone?

On Tuesday 28 October 2003 8:17 pm, Eric Bourque wrote:
> I'm in the process of converting my gtkmm app to gtkmm2 and immediately
> noticed that Gtk::Main::input doesn't seem to exist despite being
> documented in the new manual:
> What is the current method for having a method called based on activity
> on a file descriptor?
> I used to use:
> Gtk::Connection
> connection=Gtk::Main::input.connect(SigC::slot(this,&object::received_handl
>er), file_descriptor,
> 					       GDK_INPUT_READ);
> Any help is greatly appreciated.

You need to use Glib::SignalIO, and in particular the static convenience 
function Glib::signal_io().

That part of the tutorial hasn't been updated since gtkmm-1.2, but the 
reference documentation on Glib::signal_io() is very easy to understand.


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