Re: libsigc++2 in gtkmm-2.4? (was: Re: [gtkmm] ANNOUNCE: glibmm 2 .3.0)

Am 2003.10.15 09:18 schrieb(en) Murray Cumming Comneon com:
> From: martin-ml hippogriff de [mailto:martin-ml hippogriff de]
> > However, personally, I don't look forward to telling people
> to replace
> > all their "SigC::slot"s with sigc::slot - I was thinking of
> asking you
> > to change that back. And so far I don't have a list of big
> libsigc++2
> > advantages to show people.
> Well first of all sorry for answering this late.
> As to changing back to "SigC::Slot" in libsigc++2 I must say
> that I would really prefer a compatibility header:

Yes, that would be OK if it can be done. We would have
Around the API.

Okay. I will start working on such a header file the following weekend.

> we changed
> to small letters to match the c++ standard and increasing the
> major version digit of
> libsigc++ should allow us to do this. (In fact, I clearly remember
> stating that gtkmm-2.0 would have had small letters for
> classes and namespaces if you had known this is the preferred
> way of the standard by the time you took over maintainership.)

Yes. For instance, I will use lowercase for my dbus bindings.

> As for the advantages, I'm afraid I can't think of more than
> is listed in the announce emails of libsigc++-1.9.x.
> "Technologically superior" might be a proper term to sum it up.

We have to do a bit better than that.

For the list you mean?
Or do you have a long wish list of features that you would like
to see implemented?



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