On mié, 2003-10-01 at 03:06, Murray Cumming wrote: > On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 01:43, J Abelardo Gutierrez wrote: > > This is great news, I use glib for all my my non gui C apps and now I > > will use glimm for all my c++ ones. > > Yes, libxml++ will also use it in future. > > > If there is some work I could contribute with ... > > There are 1 or 2 examples in glibmm 2.4 that don't build because they > use gtkmm. For instance, examples/thread. I'd really like someone to > remove the GUI from them. first example fixed... > And we need to find out whether any API has been added to glib 2.3 in > CVS, or will be added. -- Lic. J. Abelardo Gutierrez Linux Counter # 80026 -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GCS/MU dx s-:++>-: a C+++ UL+++$ P++>+++ L+++>++++ E-- W+ N o K- w---(+)$ O+>- M? V? PS+ PE- Y+ PGP>+ t 5 X+ R+ tv+ b++ DI(+) D++ G e++ h r+++ y+++ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
/* * Glib::Dispatcher example -- cross thread signalling * by Daniel Elstner <daniel elstner gmx net> * * modified to only use glibmm * by J. Abelardo Gutierrez <jabelardo cantv net> * * Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Free Software Foundation */ #include <sigc++/class_slot.h> #include <glibmm.h> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <functional> #include <list> namespace { Glib::RefPtr<Glib::MainLoop> main_loop; class ThreadProgress : public SigC::Object { public: ThreadProgress( gint id, Glib::Mutex& mtx ); virtual ~ThreadProgress(); void launch(); SigC::Signal1< void, ThreadProgress* >& signal_finished(); gint id() const; private: guint progress_; gint id_; Glib::Dispatcher signal_increment_; SigC::Signal1< void, ThreadProgress* > signal_finished_; Glib::Mutex& cout_mutex_; void progress_increment(); void thread_function(); }; class Dispatcher : public SigC::Object { public: Dispatcher(); virtual ~Dispatcher(); void launch_threads(); private: std::list<ThreadProgress*> progress_list_; Glib::Mutex cout_mutex_; void on_progress_finished( ThreadProgress* progress ); }; ThreadProgress::ThreadProgress( gint id, Glib::Mutex& mtx ) : progress_( 0 ), id_( id ), cout_mutex_( mtx ) { // Connect to the cross-thread signal. signal_increment_.connect( SigC::slot( *this, &ThreadProgress::progress_increment ) ); } ThreadProgress::~ThreadProgress() {} void ThreadProgress::launch() { // Create a non-joinable thread -- it's deleted automatically on thread exit. Glib::Thread::create( SigC::slot_class( *this, &ThreadProgress::thread_function ), false ); } SigC::Signal1< void, ThreadProgress* >& ThreadProgress::signal_finished() { return signal_finished_; } gint ThreadProgress::id() const { return id_; } void ThreadProgress::progress_increment() { // Use an integer because floating point arithmetic is inaccurate -- // we want to finish *exactly* after the 100th increment. ++progress_; cout_mutex_.lock (); std::cout << "Thread " << id_ << ": " << progress_ << " %" << std::endl; cout_mutex_.unlock (); if ( progress_ >= 100 ) { signal_finished().emit( this ); } } void ThreadProgress::thread_function() { Glib::Rand rand; gint usecs = 5000; for ( gint i = 0; i < 100; ++i ) { usecs = rand.get_int_range( std::max( 0, usecs - 1000 - i ), std::min( 20000, usecs + 1000 + i ) ); Glib::usleep( usecs ); // Tell the thread to increment the progress value. signal_increment_(); } } Dispatcher::Dispatcher() : cout_mutex_() { std::cout << "Thread Dispatcher Example." << std::endl; for ( gint i = 0; i < 5; ++i ) { ThreadProgress *const progress = new ThreadProgress( i, cout_mutex_ ); progress_list_.push_back( progress ); progress->signal_finished().connect( SigC::slot( *this, &Dispatcher::on_progress_finished ) ); } } Dispatcher::~Dispatcher() {} void Dispatcher::launch_threads() { std::for_each( progress_list_.begin(), progress_list_.end(), std::mem_fun( &ThreadProgress::launch ) ); } void Dispatcher::on_progress_finished( ThreadProgress* progress ) { cout_mutex_.lock (); std::cout << "Thread " << progress->id() << ": finished." << std::endl; cout_mutex_.unlock (); progress_list_.remove( progress ); if ( progress_list_.empty() ) { main_loop->quit(); } } } // anonymous namespace int main( gint argc, gchar** argv ) { Glib::thread_init(); main_loop = Glib::MainLoop::create(); Dispatcher dispatcher; // Install a one-shot idle handler to launch the threads Glib::signal_idle().connect( SigC::bind_return( SigC::slot( dispatcher, &Dispatcher::launch_threads ), false ) ); main_loop->run(); return 0; }
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