Re: [gtkmm] Possible bug in SigC::Connection::disconnect()

Am 24.11.2003 um 23:41 Uhr haben Sie geschrieben: 
> >I've investigated this issue a little further now, 
and I think I see 
> >what's wrong. I'm not sure if the way I'm using the 
libsigc++ library is 
> >correct. What I do, basically, is connect a slot to a 
signal. When this 
> >signal is emitted, the slot is called, and from there 
I disconnect the 
> >current slot [from the signal] and connect another 
one. Now, I suspect 
> >this might no be legal? Maybe it should be mentioned 
in the 
> >documentation if that's the case? Any ideas anyone? 
> no, you can't change connections from within a signal 
handler, at 
> least not in the older version of sigc++. defer that 
work till later 
> (if working with gtkmm, use an idle handler, for 
Yes, you can! This has been possible since the 1.0.x 
times but a bug in early versions of 1.2.x made it 
non-functional temporarily. I think I readded a test 
case that makes sure this is working, myself. 
By the way, the most recent version of the 1.2 series is 

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