Re: [gtkmm] Supported compilers

At 01:34 PM 3/27/2003 +0100, Martin Schulze wrote:
Can somebody give me a list of all compilers that are known to compile
gtkmm2? I'm curious because I need to do some research about
what compiler features the alpha versions of libsigc++2 require
should be made optional. Probably we should simply try to support
all compilers that can be used with gtkmm2 so that gtkmm can
switch to libsigc++2 easily ...

On WIN32

A single one : mingw

1. gtkmm might also compile with cygwin BUT you should avoid it (possible conflicts between the cygwin and msvcrt runtimes when linking with the gtk+ libraries). libsigc++-1.2 compiles fine with cygwin (gcc-3.2). 2. gtkmm does not compile with Visual C++ up to the latest version (.Net) although this might change in the futur Visual C++ 7.1 to be released in April). Problems with partial template specialization. libsigc++-1.2 compiles fine though. 3. Some users have reported success with the Intel compiler (at least for libsigc++).
4. Do't know about Borland and Codewarrior.


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