Re: [gtkmm] why is Gtk::Widget::set_parent protected ?

Am Sam, 2003-03-08 um 12.17 schrieb Murray Cumming:
> On Sun, 2003-03-02 at 22:26, Detlef Reichl wrote:
> > hi,
> > 
> > please ignore if this is stupide caus i'm new to gtk--...
> > 
> > i want to make a new container class that simply holds some buttons. for
> > this i need the Gtk::Widget::set_parent methode. but, caus my new class
> > is not a subclass of the buttons the set_parent methode is unreacheble
> > for me.
> Why not just use add() or pack_start() or attach(), depending on the
> base class of your container class?

caus i want to subclass Gtk::Container directly.

Let me explain: I want to make a special color selector with some rows
and some columns of buttons, each representing one color. This container
shall consider changes of the orientation (like the toolbar) and then
reorder the buttons. Sure it is also possible with i.e. the table but
that will get very ugly.


ps: why is Gtk::Widget::set_parent protected ? :) serious, i want to
understand the reason for this. thanks.

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