[gtkmm] mult-thread support

	I recently switched from writting gtk+ apps in C to C++.  In C
I would typically just use straight pthread function calls to create multi-threads and this worked fine with gtk. I would simply make calls to gdk_threads_enter and gdk_threads_leave around any critical gtk calls. Now that I'm working in C++ with gtkmm i thought i might try
a similar approach however to my dismay this doesn't seem to be working.
I'm getting the following crash error message:

"Xlib: unexpected async reply (sequence 0x2406)!"

The application does not die but from there on does not behave as expected. Basically, I'd just like to create a new thread that does
some work and updates a scale.  The simplist way to do that
i would think is as follows:

1. create main window   Gtk::Window code
2. spawn worker thread	pthread_create( ..., myfunc, my_scal_widget );
--- 3. main thread is idle giving user ablity to cancel busy task
--- 4. worker thread updates scale widget until work is complete
my_scale_widget->set_value( new_value );

3 and 4 happen in parrallel of course.

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