[gtkmm] Problem with connecting signals to buttonbox buttons.

Our application has an array of button box buttons, or rather what I THINK is an array of buttons:

 1 Gtk::Box_Helpers::BoxList& boxlist = buttonbox->children();
 2 Gtk::Box_Helpers::BoxList::iterator i;
 3 int j=0;
 4 for(i=boxlist.begin(); i!=boxlist.end(); i++)
 5 {
 6 	button[j] = dynamic_cast<Gtk::Button*>(i->get_widget());
 7 	button[j]->signal_clicked().
 8 	  connect(SigC::bind<guint>(SigC::slot(*this,
 9 	  &winFunctionButtons::on_button_clicked), j));
10	j++;
11 }


When I click on the button, the callback does not happen.


How do I know that i->get_widget() on line 6 is returning a button pointer?

Could it really be returning something that is not a button? If so, how can I find out what type it really is?

Thanks for you help...it has to be something simple that I'm not seeing.



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