[gtkmm] Why only limited support with Forte?

I am running Solaris 8 with Forte 6. CC -V reports

CC: Sun Workshop 6 update 2 C++ 5.3 2001/05/15

I realise that this is not the latest patch
(from a long line of patches). I also realise
that the gtkmm web pages say that 
patch 111685-10 2002/09/16 is required.
My question is "WHY?". 

I know that commercial unix compilers are
crap, typically being template-challenged
and having an incomplete STL but IMO it
is important for open source s/w to
work with typical compiler installations.
Rightly or wrongly, many people have this
version of the compiler. Some even have the
patch before 2001/05/15. I am tempted to
fix gtkmm to make it compile on my
Forte environment but would such a fix
be accepted?


Andrew Marlow
There is an emerald here the size of a plover's egg!

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